Tuesday, April 03, 2007


I almost set my house on fire.

I was cuddling with my baby, nursing her to her hearts content because I felt guilty for letting her cry while I showered, when all of the sudden the fire alarm is signaling in the kitchen area.

My heart started to race, I was wearing only a towel and I had my baby in my arms. I had to run in there and see if there really was a fire. I wasn't cooking anything (LOL, long story) so I knew something was up. Smoke filled the dining room and living room. Oh God, what am I going to find around the next corner in the kitchen? Smoke was rolling out of a pan on the stove but no fire. Phew, thank goodness I hadn't set anything on fire. But damn, I boiled 4 pacifiers to the point of no return. They were now one big blob of melted plastic in the bottom of my favorite tiny pot. Okay, my only tiny pot.

The baby is coughing, I can barely breathe; what a disaster. Okay, find a safe place for her to be while you air out this house. Luckily her room was clean and fresh air was plenty. I opened her window to be safe and put her in her crib while I ran around the house opening doors and turning on fans with a towel over my face because the smoke was really unbearable. The kitchen still stinks like burned plastic.

Like an hour later I was all, oh yeah, we have a fire extinguisher. Embarrassingly, that was the last thought in my head as I was heading for the kitchen to investigate. My sweet loving husband so kindly reminded me...."yeah, you're not exactly the pillar of strength when it comes to emergencies."

Eat Shit.

I did the best I could and hopefully I'll never have scare like that again. Oddly enough, the last week or so, I've been thinking about fires and the possibility of us having one more often than normal.

That was freaky and I'm thankful that it was only a pan full of binks and that our home is still in tact.

On the lighter side of things, my eldest daughter is officially a redneck woman, much like Gretchen Wilson only instead of keeping her Christmas lights on, on her front porch...my little redneck woman keeps her Christmas socks on and don't even ask her to take them off.


Renée said...

Oh no! There's nothing so gross as the smell of burnt plastic. My anxiety sometimes manifests itself as an irrational fear of my house burning down so I understand. Our fears seem to get worse with each child we add to the family huh? Sorry about your one good pot...I have only one good small pot too. xo

mama said...

did i really write distingquisher? hahahaha...I'm laughing at myself so hard right now i'm peeing my pants....i've got to fix that :-O

mama said...

and yes....my fears are way greater since adding another kiddo.

Elizabeth Thorpe said...

Hey, thanks for linking me. I'll add you to mine if I can remember how to do it =) Glad the fire incident wasn't too serious!