Tuesday, April 17, 2007


A myth no longer....

reassurance came, informing me nature was taking it's first breathe of the season...

...afternoon walks were possible. Smiles were taking form on my otherwise glum face and the children were once again able to play outside without mittens and snow pants.

Then one gloomy morning...

are you kidding me?

nope, not kidding.

Wwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! Please make it go away....

Monday morning, the supposed return of school after April vacation...

kids are home, the power is out. There's talk it will return at 4 pm. Thanks, hon, for calling the electric company and giving me such positive news, 4 pm you say? How great. Thanks, I needed to hear that as much as I needed to get a pimple on my ass. Thanks for thinking of me. Have fun at work. Enjoy your hot coffee and warm muffins. Oh, don't worry, we're all fine here. Our snow suits haven't been packed away yet and the baby likes frozen turkey noodle. Loves it even.

Mid morning crazies have set in. Arrests have been made...

the baby has joined a new gang...

she's quite ambitious, by noon she was head honcho...

But we're all handling it well and dreaming of better days...

And I'm pretty sure The Cat in the Hat made bail.


Sheyb said...

LOL! Sorry to hear about the *teaser* you got that one spring day... :) Hopefully there will be no more snow... after all, it's *almost* MAY!!!! OMG! May?!?!? ALREADY! Yikes!

Renée said...

Awesome pictures! And you'll get no sympathy from me regarding your weather Missy. You know very well that I'm still buried up to my nipples in snow too. ;) Starting today, the forecast is sunny and upper 50's for the next five days. Tropical! I'm so excited to see brown grass and floating bits of dog poo. That little baby is getting so big, man I wish I could visit you guys. xo

mama said...

me too!! i would love to hang out and watch our kids play.

hey, got the box of goodies...thank you sooooo much.

syd looooves the junie b. jones...i'm now a firm believer of books on cd...she and olivia said nothing for two hours and sat in one spot the whole time.
