When you can't do it fair and square...
then there's always the old stand-by of stealing the election.
Worked for Georgie....why not John?
I think I'm gonna puke.
Insanity is creeping in one crazy thought at a time.
then there's always the old stand-by of stealing the election.
Worked for Georgie....why not John?
I think I'm gonna puke.
Posted by
10:25 AM
Read the comments, girlfriend. :) It's not exactly what it seems. Besides, I don't want Obama to win. LOL!!! ;)
I did read the comments and as is the case with most people, you're going to take away what you want to believe as long as it agrees with your own opinions.
It's all in good fun. I know I won't change your vote and I'm sure you know mine won't change either.
We is who we is and that is what makes our country great! We are ALL different and I want to know that my leaders embrace the myriad of diversities this country is made of - so I DO want Obama to win :)
and when I said "you're going to take away.....blah blah blah....i didn't mean it literally - not you are...but we all are".
I agree with you. ;)
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