Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy little bee.

I like projects and fortunately for us the house we bought has had plenty over the past three years and still more to come! We're lucky that way. Always something to look forward to, something to plan, something to discuss. If there's one thing my sweetums and I like to do, it's discuss the future and all its possibilities.

Two weekends ago we decided it was finally time to rid the house of its last remaining wall paper. Hence Project Laundry Room. I have to admit that after the first weekend of scraping, followed by the week of scraping, washing off glue and patching up all the wall's boo boos we were ready for primer and paint. Not a large room but a lot of bending and reaching. I have to say that my post two babies body tires rather easily. The muscle strength I once boasted in the Army is not what it used to be. But I digress.

The painting went quickly. He primed, I cut it, I painted and he cut in. We bought a cabinet unit to hang above the washer and dryer and bought a larger desk to better accommodate our needs and voila. Project Laundry Room is complete.

It tired my ass out though. All that work in the mornings plus the babies wanting, needing, wanting, SCREAMING kept me on the move constantly. And then the afternoon arrives with its middle finger in my face along with four other kids to drive me insane brighten my day. The house goes from serene toddler and baby life to SIX EFFING KIDS. No further explanation needed.

At least my house doesn't have anymore wall paper.

(And yes, the entire house had wall paper equally as ugly. And green carpets.)

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