Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can I

make it 11 more weeks? Sure. But it ain't gonna be pretty.

How quickly we forget what it feels like to carry a beloved child in our womb for that last home stretch.

I'm rummaging through old photographs to see if I actually made it through this once before. Right about now I'm doubting that. My strength and overwhelming joy are eluding me at the moment.

I feel like a whiny little baby because I'm just barely 7 1/2 months. I wonder if it should feel this uncomfortable already. Are you sure this baby wasn't concieved in December?

Several folks have given me that "holy shit woman, you're ready to have that baby any day huh?" Eat shit people. That's all I have to say to you.

I am not going to be the prettiest girl walking these next two months. Nor the nicest I dare say.


Renée said...

Ugh. I distinctly remember collapsing on my couch in a fit of despair at 30 weeks because I felt as though I couldn't go in this condition. But it passed, as everything did. I'm not going to tell you "you're almost there" or some other hoity-toity shit because I know this totally sucks for you right now. You're in my club, the club for women who like being moms but would rather storks brought our babies to us in nicely wrapped packages. Your boobs are out of control, you pee yourself every five minutes, your toes are vienna sausages, your back refuses to get comfortable for any length of time during the night and you're just plain tired. I so understand hon. Take as many naps as possible. How's this for a silver lining? Some doctors consider a glass or two of red wine per week beneficial because mom is less stressed and relaxed, therefore baby is too. Think about it *wink*. xoxo

Amanda said...

What's your due date? You and Amy must be due right around the same time . . . I didn't enjoy my last trimester much either. Does anyone? Does water help? Bath? Swimming? Anything to take the pressure off (both literally and figuratively).

mama said...

My due date is November 5th. That last trimester is a bitch. I think most women feel pretty crappy those last few months. When the kids get back to school it will be a tad easier. At least I'll have more nap times. I feel like the worst Mum in the world lately because the patience level is diminishing by the day. Perhaps that wine will help. Are you sure it was per week and not per night? ;)