Thursday, November 04, 2010

I'm mad at you!

For going to work everyday and creating a career without ever really thinking what I'm doing at home to help you get there.

For eating the left overs for lunch and not saying "Thank you".

Because you workout on your own time in a gym with people around you and no one crying for you to wipe their ass or help them with their baby's hat while you suffer through a 3 mile run in the basement.

For not connecting with me when I ask you to and getting mad at me when I tell you gently how neglected I am feeling.

For ignoring my hard work. I don't just work out for me, or for my health. I work out so that you have a woman who likes to take care of herself to hold onto at night, instead you're watching Ultimate Fighter again.

For telling me to eat the cake if I want to eat the cake or that I don't need to work out on Saturday when I've already taken a day off mid week. I need you to hold me accountable sometimes because your support is important to me.

For coming home at 6:30 pm every night to dinner on the table, only to be frustrated and mad with the kids by 7:30 and yelling at everyone.

For being negative about my fitness goals this month. I need you to tell me I can do it, not remind me of the work I have ahead of me.

Would it be so hard to say you're sorry for saying something that hurt my feelings, even when you don't understand why.

Is it too much to ask for you to genuinely give me a bit of gratitude for the amount of work I do to keep this family running? Maybe you could let me know that you realize that I have other goals in life other than just serving you in yours.

Maybe you could tell me that I have done a good job with the house today or that I'm a good mother to our children.

NO ONE IS GOING TO TELL ME THIS EXCEPT FOR YOU. Everything I do is in your name. All the work, the girls, the house, the bills, the dinners, the hot body? I do all that for YOU!!!

A little appreciation would go a long way.


Amanda said...

You ARE a wonderful mother and dutiful wife, and don't for one second short-change yourself. Men are by default insensitive and born "entitled" to everything. Let him know what you need! If you don't, he won't know, and he sure as hell won't ask.

You're amazing, sun up to sun down with narry a day off, ever. Maybe you should go on strike.

mama said...

You know he's just clueless Amanda. A really smart man but a little dumb when it comes to women. Also raised by a woman with little sensitivity for others emotions. It rubbed off a bit on him. A great husband in many ways. He's simple and good and loves loyally but you know me and if there ever was a Pisces on the planet, I am one. I need more sometimes and it's hard to squeeze it out of him. I'm so hormonal anymore, who even knows! I do share with him though and I have told him things I need but it doesn't seem to register as anything other than criticism. I've tried to come at it from different angles but he's got that Leo pride. Fucker.

And I should definitely go on strike!! The family tends to forget that I am a real person and not just the worker bee of the hive.