Friday, October 15, 2010

For what it's worth...

I went to see a psychic medium tonight. Her name is Cindy Newcomb and I have to say that the experience was worth the overpriced admission ticket. The party was held at a friends house and only 12 people were allowed to attend the intimate party.

I went there for entertainment value first and didn't expect anything major to happen; I've been to these types of gatherings before and never really got what I was hoping for but tonight was different. My father, who passed when I was three years old, spoke through her this time. Interestingly enough, and probably the reason why I am writing this at all, he said that he read the things that I wrote about him. At first I didn't really think about this little blog I have wasting away in cyberland and then I remembered!! I have written here and there about him and the impact his death has had on my life right here on this blog! Now she has my attention. She then asked if cardinals meant anything to me and I about fell out of my chair. I see them all the time. I mean all the time, several times a day even. He told her that he sends them to me. She also asked if I sing and that he thought that I should sing more.

It wasn't as intimate as I had hoped and then it hit me. Why would it have been intimate? We don't know each other at all. There was absolutely no relationship there to reminisce, I don't even have a single photograph of him and I together. It was exactly the experience I would have had if he were still alive and we had just met. That made me feel better, he was polite and waited his turn and didn't overwhelm me with stuff that would have made me sad. He said that he watched over my babies and spoke of Emily and how she was a little hard to handle (Cindy used the word tsunami) but that he really liked her and that we need to leave her alone because she is just fine. He thinks she's a cute as a button. Funny they share the same sign. Maybe she's got a little of her grandpa in her, who knows.

All I know is, although my wallet has a little less money in it, I am pretty sure that the moments I shared with my daddy tonight will stick with me for years to come and every time I see a red bird stealing crackers from my girls' picnic table I will smile a little wider knowing that an angel that I never got to meet is watching over me and my girls.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

haven't looked at your blog in a million years, randomly clicked today, and look!A post only 3 days old. Coincidence? ...

Good stuff.