Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I think it's important to throw up a middle finger to the crappy things in life and remember the awesomeness. Here are ten fabulous things in my life that I can not deny are awesome, flaws and all.

In no particular order....

Mail - there isn't a day that goes by that I don't enjoy or love checking the mail and even more now that I have Netflix.

Facebook - I have contemplated deleting my account because it sometimes freaks me out how available and vulnerable I am on there. But there's nothing like feeling connected to people. It means so much to me that I can reach out in one space to family, old friends and people who live far from me. Which is basically everyone I know except my family.

My daughters (I said, NO PARTICULAR ORDER!) Doesn't this just go without saying? I love my kids so much it makes my bones ache. I can't imagine a day without them and when they grow up and wander from my nest life will be a lot less colorful. They make everyday a rainbow. And also a tornado, but remember, this is about the positive in my life :)

Memories - mine are precious and dear to me. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful, amazing memories. I just don't care what they are, I need to remember them because they left marks on me and I am woven uniquely and awesomely because of them.

Flannel sheets - it is nearly November in upstate New York. Need I elaborate any further?

Sisters - I grew up in a separate house and still. There are ebbs and flows at times with both of them. Sometimes we grow a little further apart than we'd like but sometimes we're as close as peas in a pod. I love them more now than I have ever in my lifetime and I'm a better person because they love me unconditionally.

Coffee talk - for the coffee and the talk. Girlfriends are a good part of life.

True Blood - this show gives Jamie and I something to watch together. It's raunchy and gross sometimes but intense and fun. We both really like it and it's nice to have something that is just for us that the kids are definitely not allowed to watch.

Pumpkin Bread - I'm kind of addicted to making this bread, so moist and delicious. I love, love, love a little toooo much.

Jamie - can't make a list of good stuff and not include my best friend. It's not always about romance and flowers but it's always about love and commitment. I get mad at him sometimes but he is who I want to spend my forever with.


Amanda said...

Blogger needs a "like" button.

mama said...

Right? I agree! But comments are more fun, here and on facebook!!