Sunday, June 03, 2007

The second half

You're 7 months old today E. I am in awe of you every day and can't believe we didn't do this sooner. Is there ever a right time to have a baby? I know people plan their children to a degree, but you're never fully prepared for what you're about to embark upon. A roller coaster ride for sure. Another life. Another human being in my world. Someone else to love and one to return that adoration.

So you and I broke the breastfeeding tie this month. You had what I believe now was a nursing strike, only in that strike you decided that you would drink formula. Surprising to me because you had never liked formula up to that point and I thought it was a shot in the dark trying it again. It was funny how you quickly changed your mind about what you wanted to be eating. You still like to cuddle and sometimes pretend you want to nurse again but you quickly lose interest and move on to your next thought. Since you seemed so happy with your new feeding schedule and set the pace all on your own I thought I would respect your wishes and not push the issue too much. It was truly heartbreaking early on but we quickly adjusted and I came to my senses and saw what a positive transition this was for us. No, it's not breast milk, but it's not poison either. And if you're happy, I'm happy.

You're growing. I can't believe the change that seems to have happened over night. I'm amazed everyday at how big you're getting. It's as if I've finally woken up from the 6 month daze I was in and noticed you, really noticed you and how big you had gotten without me even knowing it. You're sitting up on your own now, you're up on all fours rocking back and forth and getting braver by the hour. I know you will end up crawling this month, maybe even within the next week or so. The progress you're making is exciting and new to all of us here at the crazy house. Every day is a learning experience for you and you're enjoying every minute of your new found talents and soon your freedom.

Sleep is getting a little better. You're usually waking once to eat and early morning to get into bed with mom and dad. Dad also takes night duties every other night which is FABULOUS. I so needed to catch up on the sleep deprivation from the past year or so. It feels good to feel a little more like myself again. Our house is much cleaner since this new development too which is very refreshing. Exactly what have I been doing since last summer??

You're such a cuddler. I don't know how I got so lucky with you wanting to love on me so much. S was never like that, in fact, S was much the opposite. She and I never really had that kind of relationship, or at least not on the scale that you and I do. I thought our bond would change a lot once we stopped breastfeeding but that has not been the case, which I'm very happy about.

You have stolen your daddy's heart and he has fallen head over heals IN LOVE with YOU. It's adorable and I enjoy watching the bond between the love of my life and his daughters. If I did everything wrong in my life and had only one accomplishment worth speaking of it would be that I chose, hands down, the BEST father I could have ever wanted for my own children. I am very thankful for your daddy and all he does to make his girls happy. We'll have to think of something special to do for him coming up on Father's Day. He deserves it.

I can't imagine what the next 5 months are going to be like. Your changes are going to be endless I know and in such a short period of time. It won't be long and you'll be eating chocolate cake and wearing a party hat and chasing your sister around the kitchen. Wow, time flies when you're having fun. For now we're doing our best to enjoy the moments given to us each day.....and hoping we get a good picture out of it every once in a while.


Sheyb said...

So cute!! I see that you have decided to do the monthly letters too! :) I can not wait until Zoe is sitting up on her own!! Pretty soon!! She started to push herself up today to the point of looking like she was doing *girl* push ups. haha! Exciting times!!

mama said...

when the mood strikes I write one....not always. I did one back at two just seems that right now she's changing so fast and there is lots to talk about. I just love this age she's coming I can't believe how fast it's going by. Too fast.

Renée said...

Okay, now she looks like her Daddy in that last pic. She's so adorable and yes, the first six months is a blur. I'm so happy you're getting more sleep; that will make all the difference. And I'm proud of you for such a great bf'ing commitment...she'll be such a healthy little person for all you gave her. Ya done good Mama. xo