Thursday, May 03, 2007

Mile Marker

I've been breastfeeding you 6 months now. That means you're 6 months old. Oh, where has the time gone, little one. Really? In the midst of all the sleepless, never ending nights you have turned into this little baby. No longer an infant, but a sweet little baby that interacts and takes in the world with enthusiasm and wonder.

Boy do you love your mama. When you're lonely you want me, when you're tired you want me, when you're sick you want me, when you're happy you want me. You just want me all the time. Our bond with one another is very strong and I truly believe that breastfeeding has played a major role in that. I hadn't the slightest notion that I would nurse you the entire first year of your life and now that you're half way there it just seems like the natural thing to do. To be honest, I can't really see us doing anything else and feel a bit sorrowful when I think of the inevitable weaning.

Lately, with gentle coaxing, you have started to acknowledge other people in your tiny circle. Daddy is no longer just part of the decor, you are finally showering him with smiles and attention. It's nice seeing your bond with him mature into something special. It's your daddy that's going to be your everything in the coming years. He's the one who will be getting out the Easy Bake on a Saturday morning while mama sleeps in. He's the one who will be giving you piggy back rides and endless horsey rides. He's the one who will protect you, provide for you and love you with every single fiber of his being. Mama will be there, too. I'll be loving, protecting and providing but it will be much different for you and your adoring father. And I'm grateful for that relationship and feel lucky that I get to watch that take shape and blossom into something beautiful.

You're an active baby, constantly bouncing, grabbing, pulling and touching everything within reach. I'm cherishing the days of keeping you contained because once you're mobile there will be no stopping you.

You love to eat. When it comes to food you mean business. Whether it be breast feeding, snacking on a cracker, or eating one of your meals you always do it with vigor. It's fascinating to watch you enjoy all the new flavors. You like everything and are always eager to try new things.

Intense would be a good description for you, little one. Everything you do is whole hearted, be it laughing or crying, you give it your all. I love your determination and think of you as an all or nothing kind of kid. We'll work on the all being your best qualities later, hopefully.

Sleep? Who needs sleep. Certainly not you. I think once you woke up out of your month long newborn slumber and saw that there was more than amniotic fluid and umbilical cords to look at you decided you're eyes were better off open. I am all day putting you down for cat naps because you sleep so lightly and for such short periods of time. You still aren't really that close to sleeping through the night yet, but you do go to bed easily for me. You just like to wake up and you'd prefer if I just let you sleep with me and nurse any old time you wanted to. I do love having you close to me but I'm not much of a co-sleeper long-term, so I'm trying to keep you from getting to used to sleeping next to mama.

You have shown me just how much love can grow. Life just seems fuller with you around, not just for me, but for all of us, including your big sister. She has told me more than once how much she loves you and is quick to protect you, even from me if she deems necessary. It's really quite endearing. I love that you have such a great kid for a big sister and role model. Hopefully you two will be there for one another as my sisters are for me.

I hope the next 6 months are as fun and eventful as the last have been. Something tells me life with you will never be boring my sweet little girl. We love you.

1 comment:

Sheyb said...

Very nice little note. :) You are very thoughtful, and you're daughter will love reading these little notes when she gets older, as my little ones will love the letters to them as well. :)