Friday, October 27, 2006

You know you're losing your pregnant mind when.....

you suddenly announce to your husband at 3 am that it sucks having to lock yourself in the bathroom for days so you can update your myspace page every 10 minutes....(I have no idea where that came from!?)

or Thursday morning you're diligently baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and driving your child to school the next morning, cookies in tow, for a Halloween party that isn't until Tuesday.

With the baby's arrival so close at hand I believe my mind is getting fuzzier and fuzzier. Normally I have my very own built in remember all; birthdays, anniversaries, important dates to remember all written on my internal calendar. I'm afraid someone may have taken a match to it while I wasn't looking.

Perhaps it's the lack of sleep that has driven me mad, or at least partly to blame. Does this continue after the birth of your child I wonder, or am I looking at a good three years of crazy??

1 comment:

Amanda said...

We call that the "pregnant brain." Soon to be followed my the "mama brain." And no, I don't think it ever fully recovers. Dammit!