23 more days
until I meet my new daughter. November 3rd is the scheduled day of delivery, provided she doesn't decide to arrive a little early and give us all a special surprise.
Only 23 more days. I think I can manage that.
Insanity is creeping in one crazy thought at a time.
until I meet my new daughter. November 3rd is the scheduled day of delivery, provided she doesn't decide to arrive a little early and give us all a special surprise.
Only 23 more days. I think I can manage that.
Posted by
11:21 AM
How's it going Mama? Amy is going to beg her doctor to strip her membranes tomorrow to get the show on the road. She's been 4 cm dilated for 2 weeks now and she's due on Saturday. How are your hips holding up?
It's going, the hips are holding up. I just noticed that I now shuffle to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I sound like my arthritic Mother...which is just too funny.
I feel for Amy. Poor girl.....I've been wondering if she's had her baby yet. I hope she gets what she wishes for. This stage in the game is just too much sometimes. The countdown is there....but each day feels like an eternity and the nights even longer. Give her my best and that I said to do 100 jumping jacks every hour on the hour until that baby falls out. :-)
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