Thursday, October 05, 2006

Note to self.

Try and refrain from taking a bath in your 9th month of pregnancy. Unless of course you invest in say.....a hot tub. You might be able to fit in that a little better.

It wasn't THAT bad, it's more of a design flaw for pregnant women and at the same time a perfect design for pregnant women. At the end of my bath tub there is a little seat. The seat bodes well for showering pregnant women since the seat doubles as a sturdy foot rest while shaving legs. I must admit that this is one task I've kept up with regularly throughout my pregnancy. For the most part the legs have been as soft and silky smooth as they have always been. However, when trying to relax in a hot bath, the seat doesn't work quite as well. Not to mention the fact that my tummy is like a huge boulder sticking out in the middle of a peaceful lake. It was cute and lasted all of 5 minutes before I decided that the shower works best for me in my current state. Oh well. It was worth a try AND I even managed to get up out of the tub without any help. Good thing, since there was no help around.

Cravings are funny lately. I can't seem to get enough baby carrots and apples. I'm on my second bag of carrots in three days and have eaten my way through a bushel of apples in the last few weeks it seems. There are a few other devil dogs, ring dings, swiss rolls. Basically anything that includes chocolaty cake with a creamy filling. Can't be good all the time.

I've also made a decision on delivery I think. I'm always back and forth and have been since finding out about the pregnancy, but now that the big day is drawing nearer I've decided to go for the repeat c-section. Why go through hell if you don't have to? Why not take advantage of the planned event? It will make it so much easier for scheduling help with S and the convenience of knowing exactly when this is going to be over. A countdown so to speak. I am hoping to schedule the surgery at my next ob appointment next Tuesday.

Speaking of, I can't believe it's almost over. I'm not kidding myself into thinking it's all down hill from here. There are still a few sleepless nights, discomfort and agony ahead of me, but it seems very real to me now. I'm going to have a BABY!!!!! SOON!!!!!! I can hardly wait to meet her and feel her tiny little fingers wrap around mine. I want to smell her sweet little baby smell and tickle her little baby feet. I am beside myself with joy thinking of the quiet moments I'll steal with her. I know the baby moon isn't always what you've dreamed about for 40 weeks but with the nasty diapers and screaming infant comes all the good stuff I mentioned above.

It's going to be wonderful watching her grow. Being able to stay at home with my children is the greatest gift I've ever been given. It's not all roses but it's not all thorns either.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Sooo right there with you. If I ever have another it's going to be a straight-shot to the operating table for the scheduled c-section. No more 3 cm dilated after 27 hours of hell for me! Spinal, please. Thank you!