Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I think I may make it after all. School is back is session and I am free to rest and rejuvenate myself as needed for the last two months of this pregnancy. Not too mention the fighting is down from ten hrs a day to three and I for one couldn't be happier.

I've been deprived of much needed sleep lately due to churning thoughts and less than comfortable body positions. When I am sleepy enough to fall asleep I wake up a million times to empty my bladder that is incapable of holding more than a teaspoon full it seems. If it's none of the above, I'm battling a squirming baby in my stomach that just happens to find time to party on at 2 am. I actually took a three hour nap today and could of slept another hour. It felt so good to get into bed without anyone in there to crack me in the head with an elbow and since the growing fetus was so tired from partying all.night.long, she was actually tired as well. WOO HOO!!! S actually mentioned how much happier I seemed today and she just knew once I could get some rest that I would be in better spirits. I felt happy and sad at the same time hearing her words. Hopefully, at least for her sake, I'll be able to manage a good mood or two over the next few weeks.

There is something to be said for routine and order I guess. It feels good to run a tighter ship because of schedules and such. I've really missed having my alone time and I know S missed the social interaction with her piers. WaHOO!! Now if I can just make it through eight more weeks of feeling liked a stuffed turkey! Lucky for me I'll have popped my timer already come Thanksgiving.

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