Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Reprieve....

I'm not sure what to do with myself this morning since I woke up feeling mildly normal. The all the time sickness has really been getting me down lately and the few minutes I do get a break from it I hardly know what I should engage in.

Food is seen in a totally new light right now. The aversions are tiring. There is no way I can even try to cook meat. Nutritious meals are now put completely on hold. I feel so bad for the hubby, he's had to fend for himself for a couple of weeks and is lucky if I manage one meal a week right now. Truth is, I just can't do it right now. I don't want to neglect his needs but this is what it is right now. I do my best to get S something resembling healthy and nutritious. Then I take on the chore of figuring out what I can/want/will eat without laying me out for the night. Last night it was macaroni with canned tomatoes, butter, salt and pepper. The day before that...potato puffs that I didn't eat and a grilled cheese.....the day before that was a can of spinach. My eating habits are sporadic and strange to say the least and although most choices are healthy they just haven't satisfied my brain with the normal meals I'm accustomed to creating and consuming. Green peppers will have to go for now. I can't even eat a sliver without getting horrible indegestion and indescribable gas pains. It sucks.

Anyway, this is what I'm doing. My entire day consists of trying to feed myself and trying to feel better and trying not to get upset at the kids after school when all they want to do is play. Atop all the sickness I came down with a bad cold which is making me miserable and tired as well.

My dreams are startling. The other night, it was the end of days....literally the end of the world as we know it. Where was I? At my Mother in Law's house and she was STILL bossing me around and shoving her opinion in places it need not be. Go figure.......and last night. I went to spring break with a bunch of people I do not know. I knew them in the dream.....but have absolutely NO idea who those people were. Not even a little bit. I went down one huge ass waterslide, after that we had to avoid being abducted by strange alien type people. That was a little strange too. There are more but they escape me right now. Too funny.....I could make tv.

Holy Mary Mother of about reality tv.......televising pregnant women's dreams as they are happening. What a genius idea. If only we could program that shit. I'd watch long as the women were able to ban certain dream topics because I've had more than one sex dream about my husband lately. That first trimester can turn a NUN into a raving slut I tell ya.

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