Hubby said.....
you didn't tell me that you were having naughty dreams about me. See hon, thing is, that the only time I've been feeling good while you're around is the middle of the night while I'm sleeping. That isn't all that condusive to great sex because I'm already getting it in my dream and don't feel the need to wake up and find out I'm not having sex. Besides......I'm a heavy sleeper. You're the one who does the waking in the middle of the night.....remember??
On a side note, I just have to mention that I actually feel so good that I've been house cleaning. I don't know how long this will last and I may only get through the kitchen and floors but I am just oh so excited to think that the morning sickness phase is coming to a close. Or at least I hope so. I even went for a brisk walk this morning after the kiddies got onto the bus. It was only a mile....but a MILE IS A MILE. I think the fresh air did me some good and that is what kick started the trash taking out and the house cleaning. Hey, right about now, I'll take any energy burst I seem to muster. I hope I'm not turning into a lazy oaf. That's exactly how I've been feeling for nearly three weeks.
I'm 8 weeks prego now. Only 32 more weeks to go.....unless I do scheduled c-section. Maybe if the baby is mature enough they'll take the little one sooner....maybe at 38 or 39 weeks perhaps. If I complain of discomfort and anguish for the four weeks prior, then maybe. As long as the baby is okay to come out. It's all for the baby after all and my body is just a host and I'll gladly do my job. Well, okay, I'll be honest.....not gladly 100% of the time.
Last night the hubby also said he's jealous I get to be pregnant and have special treatment. I told him I'd gladly trade places. He decided he likes beer more. All I have to say is this.......MOST days I'm devoted to the spoiling and doting of this fortunate family and dammit I'm taking my 40 weeks and that's all there is to it. When it's all over I'll be back to the grind plus baby on hip. I deserve it and he'll be some lucky if I don't milk every last drop and then some.
I love you honey. We're best friends, right?