Friday, October 19, 2012

Work and life

All work and no play makes me grumpy as hell, but feeling super accomplished none the less.  I have been working my buns off cleaning up the gym at the Grange building where I teach my Zumba classes.   I took on the job of cleaning this building and have done a good job upstairs where we house the gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do and Zumba - the bathrooms and foyer....but doing the bare minimum in the gym because it was a mess, it needed more than just a thorough cleaning to get it where it needs to be.  We had a board meeting about three weeks ago where I got creamed for not doing enough even though everyone else was just sitting around and not doing anything to take initiative to make things better.  I felt no need to put in the elbow grease if I was alone in the task and needed approval for painting and help to get those awful carpets out and good solid gym mats in their place.  I figured demolition before we made it shiny?  Apparently that was not the page the wicked witch of the west was on so I got reprimanded, blind sided, in front of a room full of people who really had no place in hearing the accusation.  But whatever.  I took that negative energy and resentment towards my other successes in the building and just started to work harder.  It's coming around and I'm going to kick some serious ass.  Why?  Because I really care about this place and I want to see it grow and succeed.  Not for me, but for the half of our town that's overweight and feeling shitty about themselves.

I have a good handful of haters here, but living across the street from them are my supporters, people who believe in me and the vision I have for our town.  Why do people have to bring their dollars to larger cities because that's the only place that have access to amazing fitness classes and full gym facilities?  Why not keep it local and convenient?  Why not give them a place to find support and fitness mentors to help them navigate this crazy notion of health and fitness?

Back track about 10 years.  There was a vision of another young lady who was raising a family here and trying to insight a fitness movement in our town, but there was one thing missing.  Or actually, one thing in the way.  Her giant ego.  She built this gym and community building but failed to build lasting and supportive relationships in the process.  It was all business, all the time, and never that connection people want to feel.  I'd rather get a bad hair cut from an amazing person who leaves me feeling special than get a fantastic one from someone who could care less if they ever saw me again.  Far too many people felt unimportant and overwhelmed with starting a journey they knew nothing about.  Business is about forming relationships with people because first and foremost they want to know when they give you money they worked really hard to earn, that it's appreciated and valued.  They want you to work hard, sometimes harder than the paycheck warrants.  One good recommendation turns into another and when you do it right your business improves as does your paycheck.

Fitness is kind of tricky because most people would much rather dream of becoming fit than putting in the hard work and hours it takes to lose the fat they've accumulated.  It's challenging and it means putting yourself first for a change.  It means busting your ass and eat with intention instead of feeding your soul.  All good things in moderation.  I think I have a gift for motivating and seeing the potential in any given person.  Everyone falls off the wagon from time to time, but I consider myself a ladder to help them get back on.  I've never been more sure of anything in my life up to this point.  This is my journey right now.  It might not always be so, but right now I am right where I'm supposed to be.

So I will tread lightly around this particular obstacle.  I will placate her and make her feel like her contribution is the most important one because it will help me accomplish things that need to be done.  She leaves next summer for good since her twin boys are graduating and going off to college.  This door is opening for me and I'm going to walk through it.

Again, here I am with a million run on sentences and a story that suffers from ADHD.  I hope you were able to keep up.  :D

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