Saturday, September 29, 2007

To my First Born

You are beautiful and I Love You. I hope you know that you are always going to be special. My first baby. I never truly knew love until the moment I laid eyes upon your beautiful face.

I remember every detail of our first meeting vividly as if it were last night. You were born after an emergency c-section and I didn't get to see you until four hours after your birth. It felt like I had to wait years to hold you in my arms. Then finally a nurse wheeled you into our tiny shared room and I held you for the first time.

You cried.

"She has the cutest little cry I've ever heard." I said.

"Tell me that in a few months." said the nurse.

We laughed.

But I never got tired of listening to you cry. In fact I thought it was so cute sometimes I would scare you on purpose (not real bad...just a little rah) just to hear you cry. Then I would hug you and tell you everything was okay because mama was right here.

I never said I was a healthy 24 year old mother. But I was trying my best. :-)

Your Father and I went through this learning process together as young newly weds. We had been married only two years when you were born and half of that he spent on tour in Korea with the Army. We barely knew each other.

You bonded us forever with our shared love for the most beautiful child we had ever laid eyes on. You rocked our world to the very core and life has been so full and blessed ever since you came to us on your bright, shining star.

So maybe I carved your name in your special pumpkin we grew upside down. No matter, you are the greatest gift ever given and no matter how many babies come our way you are always going to be MY first. No one will ever be able to take your place in my heart.


Sheyb said...

Nicely said girl! :) How are you feeling? My boobs are sore! Isn't that a sign?! LOL.
Loving the punkins. ;) Green ones! AWESOME! And I love that you carved *SYD* in the pumpkin. Cute!

mama said...

i'm feeling pukey...but other than that i'm okay.

sore boobs is a sure sign. i hope you get what you wish for. that would be neat being preggers together.

the pumpkins are great...we got 21 in all. i gave a few to the kids i babysit and kept the rest for us....the green ones will be orange by halloween. we just couldn't wait any longer to harvest them. :-)

Sheyb said...

Anything different so far with this pregnancy than your other 2? It would be neat being preg together! LOL. Just hope my husband takes it OK if I am. He may freak! ha ha! I told him that I didn't trust that PILL!

Sheyb said...

Not pregnant. :( A little bummed. I started my period this morning.

mama said...

i'm sorry shealynn :-(


Renée said...

I love this.

The first one always transforms and captures us in a way no other can. (they get to be our trial runs..I think that'll benefit them in life!)

She'll never forget her pumpkin!

Sheyb said...

What the hell is going on?!?! I now have FOUR friends that are PREGNANT, and a possible 5th! Seriously?!?! GIVE ME SOME OF YOUR WATER!!!!! LOL

Sheyb said...

So.... how are you doing? No new posts in a while... you tired? LOL. Seriously. Just checking in.