Did you honestly believe
that you could railroad him into a corner and come out on top. Not ALL of our leaders, former and otherwise, are complete idiots.
That interview makes me smile, smile, smile.
Insanity is creeping in one crazy thought at a time.
that you could railroad him into a corner and come out on top. Not ALL of our leaders, former and otherwise, are complete idiots.
That interview makes me smile, smile, smile.
Posted by
9:41 AM
don't say a word. Or just stop with the rolling around in my stomach all hours of the night. One would think that sleep should come easily. ESPECIALY in the last trimester, even more so in the last month give or take a week. I'm going to be a walking zombie for a few months in the very near future. I need to get my sleep NOW.
I know you can't really stock up on sleep. It doesn't work that way. I know that I'm unable to sleep now because I need to be used to getting up and having a chubby little luv bug beckoning its mama for nourishment. But dammit if I don't wish it different.
I want to slap my husband's adorable face clean off because he's breathing too loudly. He's sleeping and I'm lying here wrestling a fetus. I rock my body from side to side in hopes that I can get her fooled into sleep. It's not working. I'm on the verge of tears and there isn't a layette adorable enough to make me feel any better.
The only thing that would make my forget all about all the woes of pregnancy at this moment is a sleeping babe in my arms. However, I would settle for one in my tummy right about now. Please, please, please hush little baby. Mama needs some zzzzzzz's.
Posted by
8:58 PM
is that it could actually happen. Nothing is impossible; our so called freedoms are guaranteed by no one. There could come a day when we are trying to escape the madness of our leaders. We could become the immigrants fighting for a chance at a better life, and willing to die in the process to regain the freedoms that for years have been taken for granted.
Will there be brighter days when our fearless leader is no longer in control of our country? What does our future have in store? Funny I use the word our. The contents of the story linked above would lead us to believe that it isn't ours at all and the worst is yet to come.
Posted by
7:37 AM
I am in serious need. Serious need of change. Not so much in my daily routine, but more so in the area of say, my body.
I have had small fluctuations in my daily moods ranging from unbearably pissed off to breathing. I say breathing because there hasn't been much that has brought me true, lasting, insurmountable joy. I'm happy because I'm just happy in my life. I'm grateful for what I've been given. I'm even grateful that I can carry a child inside of my own incubator and share part of myself with the person I've chosen to spend my days and nights with for eternity. But seriously, enough is enough.
I NEED this to be over. I NEED to move on with the next phase of motherhood. I NEED to feel normal again, or at least a different version of normal. And last but not least, I NEED a stiff drink among other things.
I am just spent, tired, SICK TO DEATH of this pregnancy. It's consuming me night and day. I've forgotten who I am anymore and feel like the pregnant lady waddling aimlessly along because my memory has lapsed yet again and I have no idea what it is I'm setting out to accomplish. I feel like all sanity is lost, never to return again. Ever.
I can't cuddle my husband comfortably anymore. I have no interest in anything sexual. I can't even see my va-j-j. I'm barely capable of wiping after a bathroom break. Not that it matters because I'm usually pissing myself a couple of seconds later when I bend over to hike up my lovely maternity pants. I could go on and on but there are more than a few mums out there who can relate to each and every one of my complaints and have lived to tell the tale.
I just wish that my mind had other things floating around in it. This here preggo thing has exhausted it's welcome. On the bright side, I have about 6 more weeks to go. That's not SOOOOO bad, I guess. Another happy thought is my up and coming visit this weekend with my sister and her two children. I can't wait to have some time with family. Even if only for a few days. It will take my mind off things briefly and boost my spirits for a wee bit. After that I'll be nesting like crazy and getting ready for the anticipated arrival of my darling child.
Posted by
3:51 AM
Uncensored version in really ugly grandma pants.....but you gotta do what you gotta do.....there is no such thing as feeling pretty in your 8th month.
The spoiled family pet.
Family photo.
My brand new 1st grader!!!!
Posted by
4:01 PM
My little baby girl got into trouble for the first time at school yesterday. She hopped off the bus in a fit of despair yesterday afternoon and exclaimed how HORRIBLE her day was. It was her first devastating experience with one of her teachers.
I had the day off in regards to babysitting duties yesterday. I was so excited to have some alone time to bond with her. I even picked up smoothie skittles for an afternoon snack to fit the occasion. Good thing I was prepared for lifting spirits and wiping tears. I was grateful I could pull out something special to make it all better.
The story begins as we're walking up our driveway and I had asked how her day was.
"I got into trouble today, Mom."
"You did, what happened?"
In the best sarcastic voice she could muster to mask the tears approaching, she continued. "Because I didn't read a book!!"
"Why didn't you read a book?"
Tears are now dangerously close to the brim of those luscious eye lashes. "Because I was tired, Mom, and I didn't think she was serious!!"
"Well honey, you should listen to your teacher. Did you cry?"
Large tear slowly crept down her soft kissable cheek. "YES!!!! And she sent me to the HALLWAY!!! She said I was wasting my time!!! All the other kids were being loud and talking and I was just sitting there and I was the one getting into trouble!! Only one other kid asked me if I was sad and everything!!"
The conversation continued with me questioning her, making sure I got the story straight. The whole version of the story, not just S's version. Turns out the teacher had asked her twice to get a book and S being the day dreaming mosey type unknowingly tested the patience that teacher had left at the end of a long drawn out day with 20 6 yo kids.
I know this mosey very well, but I couldn't help but feel a bit defensive thinking that some woman I barely know had made my daughter cry. I secretly wanted to draw blood and make her pay for the pain inflicted upon my sweet darling child. Doesn't she realize how lucky she is to even have her in her classroom?!?!!!!!!! I managed to hold my composure and make the best of a bad day. What kind of role model would I be if I had ranted and raved about how dumb that stupid teacher was and perhaps she should use alternative discipline procedures with sensitive children like mine?
I simmered a while and thought heavily on how I would approach this situation with my little gem. I explained that happens sometimes at school and that listening and following through the first time is always best in any situation with any grown up in charge. Other children's behavior should have nothing to do with her own and to always do what she feels is right. I explained to her that sometimes after a long day the teacher's tolerance of "bad" behavior is not as great as it may have have been that morning and that may have been the reason she was sent into the hall.
We talked, shared skittles and sat at the table together while she worked on her homework. I showed her the fantastic sticker she got on the previous days homework and the "Beautiful Work!!" the teacher wrote up in the corner as well. I hugged her and told her that next time she should pay close attention and make sure she follows the teacher's directions always and if she did so, she wouldn't get into trouble like that again. I let her know that the teacher still likes her and that she just needs her to pay attention and to use her time in the very best learning ways she can at school.
I still hate that she cried, but I know I have one of the most sensitive children on the block. She is a Pisces, after all. A very sensitive, emotional Pisces who can be hurt easier than most. It just broke my sensitive Pisces heart is all.
Posted by
10:29 AM
1 thoughts
I think I may make it after all. School is back is session and I am free to rest and rejuvenate myself as needed for the last two months of this pregnancy. Not too mention the fighting is down from ten hrs a day to three and I for one couldn't be happier.
I've been deprived of much needed sleep lately due to churning thoughts and less than comfortable body positions. When I am sleepy enough to fall asleep I wake up a million times to empty my bladder that is incapable of holding more than a teaspoon full it seems. If it's none of the above, I'm battling a squirming baby in my stomach that just happens to find time to party on at 2 am. I actually took a three hour nap today and could of slept another hour. It felt so good to get into bed without anyone in there to crack me in the head with an elbow and since the growing fetus was so tired from partying all.night.long, she was actually tired as well. WOO HOO!!! S actually mentioned how much happier I seemed today and she just knew once I could get some rest that I would be in better spirits. I felt happy and sad at the same time hearing her words. Hopefully, at least for her sake, I'll be able to manage a good mood or two over the next few weeks.
There is something to be said for routine and order I guess. It feels good to run a tighter ship because of schedules and such. I've really missed having my alone time and I know S missed the social interaction with her piers. WaHOO!! Now if I can just make it through eight more weeks of feeling liked a stuffed turkey! Lucky for me I'll have popped my timer already come Thanksgiving.
Posted by
10:07 AM