Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm too sexy for my hair.

I am at a loss for words.....but I have pictures.


Sheyb said...

Look at you and your cute little family! Lovin the hair do on the baby!! How? is all I can say. LOL. Your oldest... um. *ADORABLE*!!

Elizabeth Thorpe said...

Ah!!!! How do you keep producing these little Ropas? The little one looks just like you too!

Amanda said...

How DO you manage to repeatedly clone yourself? Yes they're absolutely beautiful.

Renée said...

I have to give J props for trying a 2nd time but.....nope, this one looks like Mama too! She's so sweet and I love her robeez. Mine *lived* in those to the point where I had to re-teach him to walk in sneakers.